All renewing members of the IRH are required to complete this registration form. Membership runs from April 1st-March 31st each year. Please use block capitals and attach all relevant documents (Hard copies only, we can only accept hard copies with postal applications). Missing information will slow down your application. The IRH is a voluntary organisation. Please be patient. If you have not heard from us after 28 days please get in touch at:

Membership Status: *

Please fill in your contact details below. If your details change during the membership year please contact




Membership Type:


Please list any new health-related qualifications here:

Do you have a separate insurance policy for these other disciplines?

Are you a member of another Professional Association?

Have you previously been a member of another Association?

If yes, please tell us why you are no longer a member. The IRH may ask for a letter from your previous association to ensure that you have not been expelled from that organisation.

I confirm that there are no undisclosed issues relating to my good character, including any criminal or civil proceedings or disciplinary matters with my employer or other professional bodies.

Would you be interested in helping with the work of the IRH?

If yes in what capacity?

Student Member Section

I understand that I can join the IRH as a student member provided I am studying on a reputable course which ideally meets the IRH Core Curriculum criteria. Please tick

I may also join as a student if I am on another course which doesn't meet the IRH Core Curriculum criteria but if I intend to become a practitioner I understand that I will have to go through the IRH grandparenting scheme. Please tick

I understand that my student insurance should be covered by my course. Please tick

For details on the IRH Core Curriculum please contact or go to

If my insurance is not covered or if practicing outside of my course(i.e. to gain extra clinic hours under private supervision I have organised private insurance and enclose a copy of the insurance certificate and a letter from the supervisor. Please tick

I understand that should my student status change I will contact the Membership Secretary e.g. if I cease studying, if I change schools or my method of learning. Please tick

If I have changed schools I enclose a letter from the school at which I am now studying and attach it with this application. Please tick

I understand that payment of membership alone does not qualify as membership and that membership will only be awarded by the IRH once all application forms (hard copy only) and then payment, have been received and verified by the Membership Secretary. Please tick

For details on the IRH Core Curriculum please contact or go to

I declare that I have not been struck off or had to cease the practice of herbal medicine for any legal reason; nor am I currently involved in such a process. Please tick

I agree to have my data, as detailed above, held by the IRH to fulfil the IRH membership requirements and I understand that it will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 which have been explained to me. Please tick

I agree to be included on the IRH mailing list and to receive any relevant information from the IRH in relation to any events, news and activities pertaining to the work & projects of the IRH in the broader field of herbal medicine and CAM. Please tick

I understand that I can opt out of the above consents by emailing the IRH at any time.

I confirm that the above information is true and correct and authorise the IRH to make the necessary reference checks in connection with this application. I have downloaded and read the current IRH Constitution and the current IRH Code of Ethics (available on the IRH website) and hereby agree to abide by these documents. Please tick

I understand that the award of memberships is at the discretion of the IRH committee. I understand that if I am in breach of the IRH Constitution or the IRH Code of Ethics that I may be fined or subject to expulsion.